Saturday, March 27


What We Talk About When We Talk About
George Esquivel

I spent a good part of 2009 researching cordwainers and their craft. George Esquivel is a shoemaker that I had come across and that Heidi and I keep revisiting. We like his quiet role in the fashion world, of which he has recently become a part. He seems to be a pioneer in the movement from fast-fashion and freakish consumerism towards artistry, tradition, and quality.

He has a small team that handcrafts beautiful shoes using leather procured from the tip-top tanneries in the world. 

We love his dedication. 
And his shoes.
He has an interesting story--from spending his childhood in hotels to constructing a $70K bespoke and bedazzled shoe. Read about it here.

George's bespoke shoe shop in Los Angeles.


For New York Fashion week, George created shoes for Maria Cornejo's first menswear collection and also collaborated with Loden Dager's fw2010 runway show. Both are incredible labels to team up with.

Other honorable cordwainers and their bespoke shoe shops: 
E. Vogel Custom Boots and Shoes in our very own New York City, two skips and a jump from dear Opening Ceremony.

 Emma the Shoemaker in distant Melbourne.

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